Saturday 31 January 2015

Props for my music video - Posters

These are the posters I have made in Photoshop of the individual band members and a group band poster. All of these posters will feature in the music video and will be signed by each member in the music video when the fan goes backstage to meet the band. I decided to make all the photographs black and white as this is a common convention of rock / metal genre and provides aesthetically pleasing posters. The text font is Magneto Bold which is the same as the bands typography and logo. Therefore making the posters link with the other designs.

The group band photo includes the bands logo design and their names at the bottom of the poster. I have added their names at the bottom of the poster to allow for each member to autograph above their name in the music video when the fan goes to meet the band backstage. I have left the photo coloured to allow for the typography and logo to be clear and bold.

Photo credit: Callum Welsh Photography

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